Knak AI

Unlock AI‑driven efficiency at every stage of the creation process

Work smarter, not harder.

Pied Piper logo

We are here to connect you to the world.

Build and scale a marketplace

Pied Piper brings together everything you need to onboard service providers, manage users, send data, and more. Companies such as Broadcom, Expedia, and Apple use Pied Piper to scale their operations globally.

Get in touch

women working on laptop in a bistro
Pied Piper example email, en-US
Translation language demo

AI Translations

Turbocharge your translations

Translate emails and landing pages into over 75 languages in seconds with AI-powered translations. Manage and edit localized variations easily in one place.

AI Assistant

Subject Line and Preview Text Generator

Say goodbye to writers block - build subject lines in seconds.

Let Knak AI craft captivating subject lines and preview text based on the content of your emails. Pick your favorite from the variations and even customize the tone to perfectly match your style!

FromPied Piper <>
SubjectType a subject line here...
PreviewType preview text here...

Email Details

Pied Piper logo

We are here to connect you to the world.

Build and scale a marketplace

Pied Piper brings together everything you need to onboard service providers, manage users, send data, and more. Companies such as Broadcom, Expedia, and Apple use Pied Piper to scale their operations globally.

Get in touch

women working on laptop in a bistro
Pied Piper example email, en-US
AI Assistant feature in the Knak Email Builder
FromPied Piper <>
SubjectType a subject line here...
PreviewType preview text here...

Email Details

Pied Piper logo

We are here to connect you to the world.

Build and scale a marketplace

Pied Piper brings together everything you need to onboard service providers, manage users, send data, and more. Companies such as Broadcom, Expedia, and Apple use Pied Piper to scale their operations globally.

Get in touch

women working on laptop in a bistro
Pied Piper example email, en-US

Knak AI Assistant

Knak AI is generating some suggestions based on the email details and content...

Message Knak AI...

AI Assistant dialog generating subject and preview lines
AI Assistant feature in the Knak Email Builder animated demo

Alt Text Generator

Enhance Accessibility Effortlessly

Create descriptive alt text for your images with ease. Knak AI handles alt text generation, allowing you to focus on other tasks.

Alternate Text

  • Alternate text is not set

  • Alternate text is not set

  • Alternate text is not set

  • Alternate text is not set

  • Alternate text is not set

Pied Piper logo

We are here to connect you to the world.

Build and scale a marketplace

Pied Piper brings together everything you need to onboard service providers, manage users, send data, and more. Companies such as Broadcom, Expedia, and Apple use Pied Piper to scale their operations globally.

Get in touch

women working on laptop in a bistro


Pied Piper example email, en-US

Image Attributes

Image URL

Use image URL token

If enabled, add a token to the image URL field and it will be relaced by the token value after sync.

Alternate Text

Source Image Requirements

Width 600px


Highlight on hover


Image width unit

  • G2 Crowd logo
  • Capterra logo

Knak's AI support is stellar, and assigning UTM parameters have never been easier.”

Benjamin Jr De Guerto

Benjamin Jr De Guerto

Lifecycle Marketing Specialist, Avid

Avid logo

What I love most is the intuitive interface that includes an AI assistant, making our content even better.”

Rosi Garcia

Rosi Garcia

Product Marketing Specialist, Arena

Arena logo

The user-friendly UI and AI translation function make it a breeze to manage global campaigns.”

Suzie Min

Suzie Min

MarCom Manager, Cognex

Cognex logo

Trusted by the world's biggest brands

  • Amazon logo
  • Google logo
  • Meta logo
  • Uber logo
  • Stripe logo
  • Nvidia logo
  • Movable Ink logo
  • Databricks logo
  • Palo Alto Networks logo
Meta logo

Scaling enterprise campaign creation across 100+ Marketers

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Google logo

Results Revealed: The Success of Implementing Knak at Google

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Dish logo

Knak returns creative control to the DISH marketing department

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Guild logo

Knak saves the day at Guild Education

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Marketing team

Ready to see Knak in action?

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