Make sure your big news leaves a lasting impression with a well-designed announcement email.

What is a News Announcement email?

A news announcement email is an email that is sent to promote company news or updates. These emails may announce product releases, company milestones, industry trends, or other newsworthy developments.

Who uses News Announcement emails?

A news announcement email is an email that is sent to promote company news or updates. These emails may announce product releases, company milestones, industry trends, or other newsworthy developments.

What to include in a News Announcement email?

There are a lot of factors to consider when building a news announcement email. Here are some of the email elements to consider.

Email Design Element

Best Practices

Send Time

Send during business hours on a weekday, and consider timing with an embargo being lifted.


Use a reputable sender name and email address.

Subject Line

Clear and attention-grabbing subject line that highlights the news being announced.

Preview Text

Give a taste of the news announcement in the preview text.

Body Content

Brief introduction to the news and its impact.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Encourage the recipient to engage with the company, such as by visiting the website or contacting a representative.


Use the recipient's name.


Use the brand logo in recommended resolution; use brand fonts and colour scheme.


Standard branded footer with email, telephone, and full address. Provide clear contact information in case the user needs assistance with their interaction.

Anatomy of a News Announcement email

Let’s look at an example from Salesforce.


News Announcement Email Examples

Real-world examples from some of the world’s top brands. Each example has been built in Knak, which means you can use it to get inspired for your emails.

News Announcement Email FAQ

What is a news announcement email?

Who typically sends news announcement emails?

What types of news are typically announced in these emails?

When is the best time to send a news announcement email?

How do you write a compelling subject line for a news announcement email?

What should the body of a news announcement email include?

Should a news announcement email include a call-to-action?

How can you personalize a news announcement email?

What are some tips for branding a news announcement email?

What should be included in the footer of a news announcement email?

How can you measure the success of a news announcement email campaign?

Want to learn more?

There are even more email example categories to explore.

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