Follow up with event attendees with a beautiful email to thank them for attending.

What is an Event Follow-Up email?

An event follow-up email is sent after an event, such as a trade show, conference, or networking event. The content of the email is focused on thanking the attendee for their time and may provide a summary of the event. The email may also include the next steps or resources, such as on-demand videos.

Who uses Event Follow-Up emails?

An event follow-up email is sent after an event, such as a trade show, conference, or networking event. The content of the email is focused on thanking the attendee for their time and may provide a summary of the event. The email may also include the next steps or resources, such as on-demand videos.

What to include in an Event Follow-Up email?

There are a lot of factors to consider when building an event follow-up email. Here are some of the email elements to consider.

Email Design Element

Best Practices

Send Time

Depends on the event, usually within 1-2 business days after the event.


Use a familiar, personal email address If contact met an employee (such as a sales rep) at the event, consider using them as sender.

Subject Line

Clear and concise subject line that indicates that the email is a follow-up to an event.

Preview Text

Pique interest by highlighting a useful, surprising, or otherwise notable takeaway from the event.

Body Content

Brief recap of the event, including any highlights or key takeaways.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Encourage the recipient to engage with the organization, such as by attending future events or contacting a representative.


Use the recipient's name.


Use the brand logo in recommended resolution; use brand fonts and colour scheme.


Standard branded footer with email, telephone, and full address. Provide clear contact information in case the user needs assistance with their interaction.

Anatomy of an Event Follow-Up email

Let’s look at an example from Knak.


Event Follow-Up Email Examples

Real-world examples from some of the world’s top brands. Each example has been built in Knak, which means you can use it to get inspired for your emails.

Event Follow-Up Email FAQ

What should be included in an event follow-up email?

How soon after the event should I send the follow-up email?

Should I personalize event follow-up emails?

Should I include a call-to-action in my event follow-up email?

How can I make my event follow-up email stand out?

How can I measure the success of my event follow-up email campaign?

Want to learn more?

There are even more email example categories to explore.

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