Delight your customers with email experiences that are fun and rewarding.

What is a Customer Love email?

A customer love email is an email organizations send their customers to express appreciation and gratitude. The main theme of the email should be focused on building and nurturing the relationship rather than promoting products or services.

Customer love emails are great opportunities to send personalized messages, gifts or special offers, or simply express gratitude for being a valued customer. Customer love emails strengthen the relationship between your brand and customers.

Who uses Customer Love emails?

A customer love email is an email organizations send their customers to express appreciation and gratitude. The main theme of the email should be focused on building and nurturing the relationship rather than promoting products or services.

Customer love emails are great opportunities to send personalized messages, gifts or special offers, or simply express gratitude for being a valued customer. Customer love emails strengthen the relationship between your brand and customers.

What to include in a Customer Love email?

There are a lot of factors to consider when building a customer love email. Here are some of the email elements to consider.

Email Design Element

Best Practices

Send Time

Test your send and consider when the best time to reach your audience.


Use a familiar, personal email address If possible, use an employee with a personal relationship with the recipient.

Subject Line

Be short, to the point, and on brand.

Preview Text

Use as a continuation of the subject line to encourage the recipient to open the email.

Body Content

A brief message that highlights the customer's importance to the company and any recent milestones they may have achieved (such as a recent purchase or referral).

Call-to-action (CTA)

Encourage the recipient to engage with the company, such as by leaving a review or referring a friend.


Use the recipient's name. Use dynamic content to display personalized information based on the recipient's behaviour or preferences.


Use the brand logo in recommended resolution; use brand fonts and colour scheme.


Standard branded footer with email, telephone, and full organization address. Provide clear contact information in case user needs assistance with their interaction.

Anatomy of a Customer Love email

Let’s look at an example from Grammarly.


Customer Love Email Examples

Real-world examples from some of the world’s top brands. Each example has been built in Knak, which means you can use it to get inspired for your emails.

Customer Love email FAQ

What is a customer love email?

Why are customer love emails important?

What should be included in a customer love email?

When is the best time to send a customer love email?

How often should organizations send customer love emails?

How can organizations personalize customer love emails?

What are the best practices for writing customer love emails?

What are some examples of effective customer love emails?

Want to learn more?

There are even more email example categories to explore.

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