Explore Knak's unique #homeofficelife with insights into our team's workstations, furry friends, and essential home office setups.
The Knak team is working from home, and some of us have our furry friends to help us out. Here’s a look at a few of our workstations and the things we need to get our jobs done. It’s that #homeofficelife, Knak style.

Jack Steele, Lead Email Developer, has a first-rate view. And a cactus.

Patrick Proulx, Chief Technical Officer, shares his seat with Cooper.

Tania Blake, Marketing Manager, is #workspacegoals…

… and her dog, Benny, agrees.

Brendan Farnand, COO, needs: a giant water bottle, a comfy chair, and a couple of well-selected posters (Guinness and Porsche).

A close-up shot of Brendan’s bookshelf.

Pierce Ujjainwalla, Founder and CEO, needs fast internet, noise-canceling headphones, and a standing desk to work.

Nancy Borgognoni, Account Executive, gets an assist from Charlie.

Asra Sarfraz, Senior Visual Designer, puts her university Art textbook to work…

…and keeps her feat warm at the same time.

Kelly Rigole, Sales Operations Director, keeps her Knak fleece handy.

Pierre Hage, CMO, asked us not to share since he’s in the midst of reno, but he’s OOO today, so…

Meri Sikora, Content Writer, seems to be the only one without a second monitor.

Kimberley Brooks, Executive Assistant, makes space for tea and greenery.