Free Premium Eloqua Templates
Get a free custom Eloqua email template or landing page template - no coding required - if you are an organization with revenue 500M+.
Fully integrated with Eloqua
Branded Eloqua email and landing pages in a few easy steps - no coding required
Fully Branded
Simply provide us with design specs and your details and we will design your custom template with your logo, colours, and fonts.
Fully Responsive
Knak delivers fully responsive Eloqua email and landing page templates.
Eloqua Ready
Once you're ready, you can sync your assets directly to your Eloqua instance. It's that easy. No coding required.
Trusted by the world's biggest brands

Graduate from templates
With Knak — our easy-to-use drag-and-drop email builder — anyone can create fully-custom branded emails and landing pages without any coding experience. Sync emails directly to your marketing automation platform through full integration with Marketo, Eloqua, Salesforce, and more. Plus, our platform enables multiple employees, teams, and departments to team up for email marketing campaign planning and creation through workflows, approvals, and collaboration tools.
Ready to see Knak in action?
Get a demo and discover how visionary marketers use Knak to speed up their campaign creation.